The Covered Bridge in Lenape Park (12k image) Perkasie, Bucks County, Pennsylvania 18944

The Perkasie Opinion Blog

Tuesday, January 18th

Council Discards More Experience

Councilman Bill Hettel (9k image)In another stunning move, Perkasie Borough Council Monday night refused to reappoint Perkasie Borough Authority board member Jim Algeo to another five year term on the PBA board. Algeo has served PBA and PWTA (Pennridge Wastewater Treatment Authority) for 28 years as a board member, and is one of the most knowledgeable persons in Perkasie. Instead Council appointed Brian Triplett, who currently serves on the PWTA board.

As usual, Councilman Bill Hettel (photo above right) led the charge against experience. His sole reason for not appointing Algeo to another term was a sexual harrassment suit brought against PBA Manager Gary Winton several years ago, saying Winton should have been fired by the PBA board, and he would not vote to reappoint Algeo because Algeo supposedly didn't do anything about it. (It should be noted the suit was settled out of court.) Most of the PBA Board, along with Assistant PBA Manager Ray Conville, were present at the Council meeting in support of Algeo, but that made no difference as Hettel led the charge against Algeo.

Interestingly, there may be a small chink in the Hettel-led Council, as councilpersons Jim Liebenow and Nancy Keenan sided with Rich Hendricks in supporting Algeo rather than follow Hettel's direction. However that left Council a vote short as Hettel cohorts Handy, McGonigal, Boyer, and Burke followed Hettel's lead.
Bob Bergey on 01.18.05 @ 11:21 AM EST [link] [add a comment]

Monday, January 17th

Council Elects New Officers

Council President Eadie Burke (10k image)Perkasie Borough Council tonight elected new officers. Council President Lee Metzger, who was absent from tonight's meeting, had submitted a letter of resignation as president, citing business that frequently takes him out of town (he did not resign, however, from Council).

Elected as Council president was Eadie Burke (photo at right), previously serving as vice president, and long-time Councilman Jim Boyer was elected as vice president.

(Following the meeting, I asked Burke and Boyer to pose for a photograph; Boyer agreed but Burke very childishly declined, turning her back to me anytime she noticed my camera nearby; the photo above right was taken as she spoke to another reporter.)
Bob Bergey on 01.17.05 @ 07:32 PM EST [link] [add a comment]

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