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01/05/2004: "McGonigal Motions to Close Skate Park"

New Borough Councilman "Flamin" Harry McGonigal, in his first motion on Borough Council, moved to close the new skate park until Council decides to officially declare it open. In a move I can only describe as paranoid, the new Council voted to override the wishes of the previous Council and the Borough Manager to open the skate park free of charge to residents until all the equipment has been installed and the utility shed installed. The skate park had been open free of charge since the initial equipment install had passed its safety inspection so kids on vacation break would have a safe place to skate. But Council, fearful that it wouldn't be fully staffed and someone "might get hurt," voted to cut off the free skating, and residents will now have to wait until the rest of the equipment is delivered and Council votes to open the park. Skaters will now return to illegally skating on the streets and sidewalks, where, of course, it's much safer for them. Too bad for Perkasie teens and others who have been eagerly awaiting the opening of the skate park.

Perkasie resident Lee Rush spoke during Council's public forum this evening urging Council to find a way to get skate park users involved in policing the park once it's open. That's a great idea, and I hope Council was listening and finds a way to do that. The more ownership the kids have in the park, the better they'll take care of it.

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