The Covered Bridge in Lenape Park (12k image) Perkasie, Bucks County, Pennsylvania 18944

The Perkasie Opinion Blog

Tuesday, January 20th

Keenan Returns to Council

Keenan Sworn in as Councilperson (10k image)Third Ward resident and senior citizen advocate Nancy Keenan (photo at right) was sworn in as Councilperson last evening by Perkasie Mayor C. Robert Hunsicker. Keenan had mounted an unsuccessful campaign on the Democratic ticket for the position in November, but was appointed unanimously to take the seat of Maria Slowik who had resigned in December. Keenan has served three terms (12 years) previously on Council.

In an embarrassingly short public interview process, Keenan and Main Street resident Brian Triplett, both of whom had requested appointment to the position, were asked just one question by Council Vice President Eadie Burke. No one else on Council had any questions or made any statements of support for either candidate. Keenan, in stating why she wanted to return to Council, said she wanted to continue work on expanding the bike path (but Council work on the section she spoke of is already completed -- we're just waiting for warmer weather for construction to begin); and she wanted to improve roads in Perkasie -- another project the previous Council has already tackled, some of which has been done, other roads are waiting for PBA and state work to be completed, as well as for warmer weather to make the work practical.
Bob Bergey on 01.20.04 @ 01:48 PM EST [link]

Monday, January 5th

New Borough Council Takes Office

New Borough Council (29k image)

Perkasie's new Borough Council was sworn into office tonight at the Borough Hall. Four new members took office: C. Lee Metzger and Jim Liebenow (Ward 1), Harry McGonigal (Ward 2), and Joan Handy (Ward 3). Returning to Council were Eadie Burke (Ward 1), Bill Hettel and Jim Boyer (Ward 2), and Rich Hendricks (Ward 3). One seat on Council is currently vacant (Ward 3, following the resignation of Maria Slowik), with Council expected to appoint a new Councilperson in two weeks.

C. Lee Metzger (3k image)Eadie Burke (3k image)The first item of business was to elect officers for the new term. Elected as president of Borough Council was Lee Metzger (photo at left), and as vice president, Eadie Burke (photo at right).

Metzger was a natural choice for president. Although he's new to this Council, he served two terms previously, understands Council's role, and has leadership skills. Burke, however, was a surprising choice, in my opinion; she was the most incompetent person on the previous Council, but perhaps this Council has found something she'll be good at besides campaigning for office. Time will tell if she has any leadership skills, but to date it hasn't been obvious. Historically she has been the least outspoken on Council and the least independent, always voting with Bill Hettel on nearly every issue. Maybe that's what the new Council likes about her.
Bob Bergey on 01.05.04 @ 11:42 PM EST [link]

Perkasie Solicitor Mike Kracht Resigns

Perkasie attorney Michael Kracht resigned his position as Borough Solicitor, as announced at tonight's Borough Council meeting by President Lee Metzger. Kracht has said that his growing law practice is demanding more time of him. But I don't doubt for a minute that the election results were a factor in his decision; it's well known that the solicitor wasn't on Councilman and attorney-wanna-be Bill Hettel's Christmas list.

Bill Hettel motioned at tonight's meeting that Council also seek proposals from engineering firms for a new firm to represent the Borough; the motion carried 5-3, with the new Council members giving support. So Hettel will get much of what the previous Council denied him: a new solicitor, a new engineer, a new director of economic development -- all at significant hidden and indirect costs to the borough taxpayers. What's next?! I won't speculate here, but you can be sure he's not finished yet.
Bob Bergey on 01.05.04 @ 11:14 PM EST [link]

McGonigal Motions to Close Skate Park

New Borough Councilman "Flamin" Harry McGonigal, in his first motion on Borough Council, moved to close the new skate park until Council decides to officially declare it open. In a move I can only describe as paranoid, the new Council voted to override the wishes of the previous Council and the Borough Manager to open the skate park free of charge to residents until all the equipment has been installed and the utility shed installed. The skate park had been open free of charge since the initial equipment install had passed its safety inspection so kids on vacation break would have a safe place to skate. But Council, fearful that it wouldn't be fully staffed and someone "might get hurt," voted to cut off the free skating, and residents will now have to wait until the rest of the equipment is delivered and Council votes to open the park. Skaters will now return to illegally skating on the streets and sidewalks, where, of course, it's much safer for them. Too bad for Perkasie teens and others who have been eagerly awaiting the opening of the skate park.

Perkasie resident Lee Rush spoke during Council's public forum this evening urging Council to find a way to get skate park users involved in policing the park once it's open. That's a great idea, and I hope Council was listening and finds a way to do that. The more ownership the kids have in the park, the better they'll take care of it.
Bob Bergey on 01.05.04 @ 10:38 PM EST [link]

Borough Council Committees Announced for 2004

Newly elected Perkasie Borough Council President C. Lee Metzger announced his appointments to Borough Council committees at tonight's Council meeting, as follows:

Public Works Committee: Jim Liebenow, Chair, with Harry McGonigal, Joan Handy, and one to be appointed later.

Public Utility Committee: Jim Boyer, Chair, with Rich Hendricks, Bill Hettel, and one to be appointed later.

Finance Committee: Bill Hettel, Chair, with Lee Metzger, Jim Liebenow, and Eadie Burke.

Personnel and Policy Committee: Lee Metzger, Chair, with Bill Hettel, Jim Boyer, and Harry McGonigal.

Economic Development: Harry McGonigal, Chair, with Lee Metzger, Rich Hendricks, and Jim Boyer.

Environmental Committee: Joan Handy, Chair, with Rich Hendricks, Eadie Burke, and Jim Liebenow.

Cable/Broadband Committee: Rich Hendricks, Chair, with Eadie Burke, Jim Liebenow, and one to be appointed later.

Borough Council Liaisons:
Perkasie Borough Authority: Bill Hettel
Zoning Hearing Board: Joan Handy
Planning Commission: Rich Hendricks
Park and Recreation Board: Jim Boyer
Perkasie Olde Towne Association: Lee Metzger
Pennridge Area Coordinating Committee: To be named later

The failure to name Rich Hendricks to a major committee chair was a gross oversight, in my opinion -- Rich would have been the obvious choice for Public Works, or even Personnel and Policy or Finance. Bill Hettel should be happy with his favorite position, Chair of the Finance Committee, but that's also where he's most dangerous and will need a close watch to keep him from foolishly spending Borough funds as he's so prone to do. Harry McGonigal as chair of Economic Development could also be a problem since he's been so hostile to other business owners in the borough in the past and has little credibility in the business community outside his close circle of friends. Jim Boyer was an obvious choice for Public Utility chair, a position he has served well the past four years.
Bob Bergey on 01.05.04 @ 10:22 PM EST [link]

Officer DeLia Sworn In

Anthony DeLia Takes Oath (9k image)One of new Borough Council's first official actions this evening was to appoint Officer Anthony DeLia as Perkasie's newest police officer. Perkasie Mayor J. Robert Hunsicker is shown to the left in the photo as Officer DeLia places his hand on the Bible and repeats his oath of office.
Bob Bergey on 01.05.04 @ 09:59 PM EST [link]

Finance Committee Meeting Saturday at 9 AM

Newly appointed chair of Perkasie Borough Council's Finance Committee, Bill Hettel, announced tonight that a special meeting of the Finance Committee will be held this Saturday morning, January 10, 2004, at 9:00 AM at Borough Hall. Earlier in the Borough Council meeting Hettel had motioned to reopen the 2004 Borough Budget, certainly not a surprise to anyone, since he did not have sufficient votes on the previous Council to make changes he wished. He's likely to have the votes now, since several new Council members owe their positions to him and will be happy to cooperate. We'll see how long the honeymoon lasts and what it costs the Borough taxpayers.
Bob Bergey on 01.05.04 @ 09:58 PM EST [link]

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