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Home » Archives » November 2003 » VOTE tomorrow -- but bring a pencil!

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11/03/2003: "VOTE tomorrow -- but bring a pencil!"

Tomorrow is election day, and Perkasie voters have a final opportunity to make up for their lack of participation in the Primary last May, when a small faction of voters were manipulated by an out-of-control Republican machine in Perkasie to remove four dedicated incumbents from office. The majority did not have a say in the outcome because they failed to participate -- for whatever reasons, I won't go into that here. But it's not too late -- it will just take a bit more work, requiring write-in votes to keep Perkasie headed in the right direction!

If you are pleased with the overall progress and positive direction the Borough has taken in recent years, you must go to the polls on Tuesday, and WRITE IN the four Borough Council incumbents who were instrumental in the much-acclaimed renaissance of Perkasie:

    Ward 1: Marty Gahman and John Moser
    Ward 2: Bob Bergey
    Ward 3: Joe Schiaffino

Because of apathy in the May Primary, these forward-looking Council members are not on the ballot in the General Election. To continue the fine accomplishments such as the new Borough Hall, renovated state-of-the-art Police Station, Lenape Park Expansion, Economic Revitalization that brought new business to Perkasie, 8th Street and Walnut Street parking lots, and the 2001 Commonwealth "Townie" Award for the Main Street Program, you must return these progressive incumbents to office.

Even with all these accomplishments and improvements, Perkasie's General Fund Surplus has grown from $1.8 million in 1996 to $4.1 million today. Now that's responsible fiscal management.

In the First Ward, vote at the Firehouse and WRITE IN Marty Gahman and John Moser on ballot positions 21 and 22.

In the Second Ward, vote at the Senior Center and WRITE IN Bob Bergey on ballot position 21.

In the Third Ward, vote at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church and WRITE IN Joe Schiaffino on ballot position 21.

Pencils and instructions will be available at the polls. Let your voice be heard -- VOTE!

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